Monday, August 13, 2012

Perfect Iced Tea

Nothing says summer like sitting on the porch sipping a tall glass of iced tea.  I have always enjoyed iced tea, but it always tastes bitter when I make it at home.  Once again Pinterest to the rescue.  I found out how to make the perfect iced tea. This tea has a secret ingredient that claims to remove the bitterness. I can't believe someone from the south did not share this secret with me when I lived in Atlanta, so much for southern hospitality.  This recipe claims to be adapted from Lone Star Steak House (who knows if that is true). You should never believe anything you read on line.

 Perfect Iced Tea (makes 2 quarts)

6 regular size tea bags
2 cups boiling water
6 cups cold water
1/2 - 3/4c sugar (optional)
1/8 t baking soda (secret ingredient)

Add tea bags to the  pitcher with baking soda. Pour boiling water over tea bags and steep for 15 minutes.

Remove and toss out tea bags, add sugar and stir until dissolved.  Add cold water and refrigerate until ready to drink.  Serve over ice and garnish with lemon.

I made some adjustments to the recipe.  I used green tea and I sweetened with agave nectar. Agave nectar is sweeter than sugar, which means you should use less.. I used less than 1/4 cup because I like my tea with a hint of sweetness.  The tea is delicious, but I think a shot of sweet tea vodka in your glass  might be a nice addition to this sipping drink.

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