Details family life in the suburbs of Detroit and all things domestic to provide entertainment and encouragement to others.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
I had big plans to post low carb recipes, tell you about my natural weed killer, or natural weed preventer. The truth is I have not had much time to do anything. It is the end of the school year, which means endless band concerts, programs, meetings and finding the perfect care giver for your children during summer break. Then add a daughter's birthday, a shopping excursion to find clothing and shoes for your daughters that have outgrown everything, a trip out of town for the holiday and meeting with an attorney to establish guardianship for a failing parent and you wonder how you even had time to take care of the basics of food, laundry, career and sleep. The food I have prepared over the last few weeks has been simple fresh, raw or steamed vegetables, simple grilled meats or I have placed a carryout order for pizza. You don't need a recipe for that. I made a natural weed killer with Dawn Dish Soap, vinegar and salt and sprayed it on some problems areas and then we had torrential thunderstorms for five days. My natural weed preventer is corn meal sprinkled on the ground of my garden, think of it as weed birth control, but after the four plus inches of rain and tropical humidity I probably have created Polenta in my garden. I will try these items again and update you soon. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I just hope it is not a train.